Alhamdulillah, habis jugak exam aku.
Anything to share about the exam? Hmm,xrasa kut..huhuh..sebab yang berlalu biar la berlalu..haha..pada aku, ini exam paling stressful,penuh drama( irish classmate aku nanges2 lepas physical exam OSCE sbb susah), so basically, well done UCD for making our one week life miserable. Tapi Alhamdulillah, aku mampu buat sehabis daya aku. Harapnya result ok la(amin)
Hmm,just want to share couple of pixs that I took wif my phone's cam last week. These trees are in UCD, everyone's fave i guess. I think they are called cherry blossom. tapi kitorg selalu hentam sakura ja..hhehe..tapi sangat cantek and heartwarming...
Isnin ni, dah start dah rotation dekat Mater Hospital. dah xde kuliah2 kat UCD. Im going to miss UCD~
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