Happy birthday Kakak!!
dah 2_ dah..kena start stop mentioning the number la kut..heheh
Qay is my cousin. a close one. kitorg membesar bersama2, walaupun beza 4 tahun, disebabkan keserasian yang ada, terasakan bagai tiada perbezaan tahun.
I used to call her Kak Kiah,tapi aku perlahan2 aku ubah kepada kakak jer,sebab aku tau nama Kiah tu xglamer utk die..huhuh..
Masa mula2 dengan K, aku suka sangat sebab kezen aku pun 'K' jugak..hehe
hmm,sori la kakak,entry utk mu sangat pendek. Tapi please know that the memories we had together since childhood until now will be cherished eternally.
I miss those evening toi
I miss those gossiping n laughing our heart out
I miss those heart-to-heart conversation.
I miss those sleepovers
I miss those pillow talks
I miss my childhood with you
And I know as we go on, we have to view our bond in diff angle.
You have your commitment, and I have mine
But no matter what, we are blood-sisters till the end
Semoga kakak menjadi ibu dan isteri yang baik dan mulia.
Dihari lahir mu ini, rehan doakan yang terbaik buat diri kakak dan keluarga.
p/s: i like the same pix as well..heheh
tq rehan...n i miss those old times too....wish dpt ulang balik all those saat2 n kdg2 wish dpt spend ms bila rehan balik dgn lbih lama...
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