Ini adalah Powerscourt,House and Garden.
Terletak di Co Wicklow, luar Dublin sikit.
Dikatakan tempat pengambaran P/s: I Love You, tapi aku tak tgk movie tu so aku tak tau kat mana tempat2 pengambaran tu.
-Al Maidah:105
'O believers! Take care of yourselves. He, who has gone astray, will not harm you when you are on the right way. Towards Allah is the return of you all, then He will tell you what you were doing.
cantik.... org dan juga background... Subhanalllah
oo yeke?? mmg tmpt2 dlm cite tu lawa2
to teh:..haha..blushing2.
to Ammar:..a'a,diorang cakap tak tau kat mana sbb garden tu besar sgt.
awat pi cuti byk sngat...ckap pokai...ckap xsrupa bikin lo...len kali ajak adik ni pi
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